Thursday 23 April 2009


Want To Feature Your Blog Here?

Yes, BloggedOnYourBlogs. Blog's that are not mine that you would like me to feature-if you can give me permission to feature the blog and would like me to feature it then please do-if its your own then please tell me if I can feature, if you have somebody else's then I need to get permission of whoever owns the blog.What I wanted to do is showcase blogs and help spread the word of some blogs. Maybe you have a blog you would like me to feature-I had been looking for ones to review on this blog by using the random blog selector that google have provided with blogger(nice idea google)-I want to get permission from the blogs owner before featuring it so please provide a contact for me to ask you for permission to put it up on this blog if you would like it to be shown-and if you have a particuler one that you would like me to showcase(providing it is not pornographic as I do not have license for them, vaguely erotic is OK, if its on the level of say, The Antiques  Roadshow with Fiona Bruce)then please feel free to contact me with your blog details so I can feature it on this blog and give you some completley free advertising. 

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